Friday, February 20, 2015


Shallow depth of field
ISO 400 55mm f/1.8 1/640 sec
Deep depth of field 
ISO500 88mm f /4.5 1/500 sec

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Defining Aperture

Aperture is one of the defining moments between snapshot and photograph, and an important camera feature for any photographer. Aperture helps refine images and make them sharper, and shallow your depth of field, making it naturally easier to focus on your subjects on the foreground.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Photoshare 18

Who: Nika Kurnosova
What: a nernaid and fish
When: late 2011
Good, Bad, or Ugly?; Alright, the concept is interesting and the colors work fairly well together, although I don't find any of the pictures as interesting as the first, and concept wise they dont seem to hold much interest. 

Photoshare 17

Who: Romano Decker and Dejan Kutic
What: Fashion models
Where: -
When: 2013
Good, bad, or Ugly? I like the vibrant colors and and the 3D effect (even if it is a bit of a strain on the eyes), with the background colors that really make the subjects stand out, it is, however, on the verge of being over the top, but the overall simpler designs of the clothes tone that done a bit. 

Photoshare 16

Who: Yulia Gorodinksi
What: A swimsuit model holding with a vinyl record obscuring their face.
Where: According to their flickr, Israel 
When: August 30, 2009
Good, Bad, Or Ugly; Very good, I love the vintage feel of it, from the photography effects themselves, to the swimsuit itself and maybe even the posing. It's so simple, but the vinyl adds a new mysterious artistic twist and sets off a new sort of mood for the picture. 

Friday, February 13, 2015

Ben Conant Write-up

Ben Conant visited our class last friday to talk about journalism and newspaper editing. It was very interesting to get an inside look on these things, and learn more about getting into the newspaper business. He talked about photographing, editing, how to make stories seem more interesting, and managing time, all of which is important aspects of running a newspaper. I liked learning about writing best.

Defining Shutter Speed

The slower the shutter speed, the more blurred the motion will be, whereas the faster the shutter speed, the stiller the motion is. However, the faster the shutter speed, the less light is being let in to the picture, which can be helped with ISO or aperture.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Photoshare 15 Portraiture

Who: Scott Schuman
What: Fashion street photography
Where: (from top to bottom)
1. Pushkar India
2. New York City, New York
3. Delhi, India
4.  Fourth Ave, New York
5. Andrea, Dubai 
When: Various
Good, Bad, Or Ugly; Good, I love the posings and expressions, and the variety of people and places. 

Photoshare 19

Jeremy Mayhew
Who: Jeremy Mayhew
What: An arrangement of seafood with rustic accents and complimenting dishes, for Hancock Gourmet Lobster
Where: Earl Studios, Amherst NH
When: January 2014
Good, Bad, or Ugly?; Good, the composition is really lovely, the contrasting colors between the lobster and everything else easily draws attention to the food, the atmosphere of the picture as a whole is interesting but doesn't draw attention away from the food too much. 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015